Knowing cold and understanding the fundamentals of any subject is the key to being a professional in that subject. If you’ve ever whined about how digital marketing keeps changing, how Facebook keeps changing its rules, how everything is different and the rules keep changing, then it’s just an indication that you do not know and can’t apply the basic principles of digital marketing. One of the basic principles of anything is the reason it exists. It’s WHY. Why do we market? What is the purpose of marketing?
The purpose of marketing is to create want and sell things. Marketing either taps into existing desires and fulfils them or creates new desires and fulfils them.
Why do we need to create want or sell something? When I first started my business at the age of 20, my mom used to tell me that focus on delivering the best service and the best product and you won’t need to sell anything. The world will beat its path to your door. I found out it was not true. The hard way. If people don’t know you or your product, they don’t know how it fits in their life, in their needs and wants, how it benefits them, then no one comes knocking on your door.
If you can’t make it abundantly clear to people why they must give their hard-earned money to you in exchange for what you are offering them and why you’re the right option and not the thousand other people offering similar solutions, you won’t make money. And if you don’t make money, your business is dead.
Contrary to communist and socialist beliefs, money is the lifeblood of business and without it, no business can survive. And there is nothing wrong in having a truckload of money.
So marketing is vital and we must market our company and its products and services first and then deliver a superior product and service which will continue the marketing continuum. Marketing without superior delivery will die. And there can be no delivery without marketing and signing up people to deliver to.
Once I realized this, I became completely obsessed with mastering marketing and sales. I want my business to grow. I want to help a lot of people and make things better in this world. To do that, I must market and sell.
So how do we create want?
The underlying principle of all marketing, PR, sales, social media, what have you, is COMMUNICATION. If you understand communication, you can understand marketing.
Marketing is essentially a communications technique. So is PR. So is packaging, designing, branding.
And if you don’t communicate, you don’t exist. If you’re not putting stuff out there, no one can see you, no one can hear you, no one knows you. HOW you put stuff out there for the best results to achieve your purpose of creating want is the specialized techniques of marketing, PR, sales et al.
We’ll dive deeper into communication and its component parts in a later post. But for now we are going over why we do marketing.
What is the end result of creating want? What is the end result of marketing?
It is intelligent and quite important to know what is the end result of any action you do. Without it, one can go astray. Without it, you never become a professional. What is the end result of creating want? It is more sales, more leads, more traffic, more eyeballs.
When you do marketing right and achieve your purpose of creating want, you get highly qualified leads, a constant flow of enquiries, more sales opportunities and more income.
If your marketing efforts are not currently resulting in these, you can reach out to us and we can help audit your existing marketing and create campaigns that work.